In an average lifetime as humans how do we the spend most of our time ?
26 years in sleep
99,117 hours working
15 years staring at an electronic screen
and three and half years eating
To synergize the physical, intellectual, emotional, occupational, social and spiritual dimensions to wellness, we need to pay attention to all of these actvities we spend most time on. In addition we need to pay attention to some special aspects of being human: our unique consciousness, our social and kinship systems and our embeddedness with the culture we belong to.
Science and Technology seem to have landed our civilisation in a really tough era – we cannot
let go of our ecologically disastrous lifestyles, nor can we be settled with the awareness that the way we live and the wellbeing we lack is fine.
But interestingly scientific research today seems to be confirming what our ancestors in many cultures have prescribed for human wellbeing. We bring you these well known truths that are a recipe for wellbeing, along with some of the research that validate them.
Holistic science and art of wellbeing today seems to confirm the ways of many traditional societies. We only need to re-design these practices for our times.
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